The outbreak of novel coronavirus across the globe has invited unforeseen circumstances into our lives at different levels. Every industry is affected, perhaps, one more than the other. And since difficult times call for more robust actions, everyone is making efforts to sail through these difficult times. You can see businesses continually trying to adopt new approaches and make amends to the losses caused by the lockdown & covid19 effect on recruitment system. Some are changing their budget plans while others are adapting to technological advancements to sustain the challenging conditions.
COVID-19 Affected The Entire Recruitment System
Since there are several departments in an organization that needs revamping, we will discuss the first and most crucial part – Employee Recruitment. COVID-19 has impacted the corporate recruitment system, followed by the one-stop solution to resolve the same – Recruitment Management Software. & covid19 effect on the Recruitment system.
No Face-To-Face Interviews
The lockdown has forced everyone to stay inside their homes to stay safe. Now, due to the physical absence of job-seeking candidates, it is impossible to conduct face-to-face interviews (which is the ideal assessment scenario). Without meeting the prospect in person, it has become challenging for employers to judge and select the right employee for the organization.
Remote Employee Onboarding
Now, the recruitment part also involves employee joining and onboarding formalities. Since employees who were already hired before the lockdown was imposed can’t go to the office, onboarding is a challenge. All the activities from team introduction, orientation program, office tour cannot take place because of the inability to be at the workplace.
Challenging Salary Negotiations
This one is a hindrance to the job seeker and not the employer. Because of the business losses and downfall in numbers, employers are already laying off or terminating employees. Moreover, the market rate for human resources has dropped drastically. Now, if a new employee joins, chances are he/she won’t get the expected or demanded salary. So, it is difficult to change jobs at this time as the salary negotiation will be in vain.
Quite apparently, a single solution is becoming everyone’s favorite in this time of need – HR Automation. The sale of HRMS software is at an all-time peak! Given the process mechanization and advancement it can bring to every function of the human resource department, HR software and solutions have taken everyone by storm. How it helps to facilitate the recruitment procedure:
- Online Interview: The first (obvious) solution is to conduct online interviews over a video call. Make it formal, and just like the face-to-face interviews. This can be streamlined using a top-notch video conferencing medium available in the HR software
- Live Tests: For the aptitude assessment, you can organize live MCQ/elaborate tests with live results for the applicants. This practice will avoid the unfair means used by candidates, and you can also remain transparent on your part.
Conclusion | COVID-19 Affected The Entire Recruitment System
Presentations: Prepare and share or deliver presentations online to make the new joiners understand the company policies and workflow better. In short, the onboarding, orientation, and joining formalities can be executed virtually using the Recruitment Management Software.