The planet of our zodiac, Jupiter, becomes less auspicious while moving through indirect motion, being placed just opposite to the Sun. Assuming direct motion of Jupiter brings back His auspiciousness, again.
Direct Motion of Jupiter | This Year’s Stations of Jupiter
Jupiter, now moving through a less auspicious state of regression, in His ‘MoolTrikona’ sign Sagittarius, is going to assume direct motion on 13th of September 2020, at 06.12 am, to regain His auspiciousness again. Jupiter started to move via indirect motion on the 14th of May 2020, while being there in Capricorn sign, to become powerless for exactly four months.
Jupiter has entered into His sign Sagittarius, on the 30th of June, to come out of His powerless state of debilitation. According to the Indian System of Vedic Astrology, Jupiter has given the status of a minister, teacher, and learned class of people and matters related to knowledge and finances.
Jupiter Retrograde 2020 Calendar
Auspicious results are expected for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces Moon sign natives. For Aries Moon sign people, Jupiter is the ruler of the ninth and twelfth houses, to play the role of ‘YogKaarak’ planet for them and offer auspicious results without fail. Support from Lady Luck, increase in social reputation, and all are expected to come to them as a result of this transit.
Jupiter Retrograde
The presence of retrograde Mars, in Aries sign only, is another advantage for them to stay motivated entirely. Jupiter is going to create ‘RaajYog’ and will help all the way to sort out ongoing problems for the natives of Leo Moon sign.
It is going to be comfortable a very auspicious transit to reduce the obstacles and give satisfactory results of their efforts. The friendly presence of retrograde Mars will be there in Aries sign, in the ninth house of luck, to create ‘RaajYog’ and will help them to sort out complicated property related issues correctly.
Jupiter’s Blessings
Who is born with Sagittarius Moon sign are expected to experience positive changes in their health front, and financial matters are seen emerging with good prospects. Ongoing issues are likely to get sorted out amicably, after the 28th of this month, when sixth house lord Venus will enter into Leo sign.
How Jupiter Retrograde 2020 Will Affect You
The Sun will also join exulted Mercury in Virgo sign, on 16 September, to provide favor from people in authority. In the case of Pisces Moon sign people, this transit is happening in the tenth house of a professional career that could widen the possibilities of getting new projects and enhance money matters appropriately.
Long term relationships with potentially sound business associates will come in the fore to let them grow more. So, this transit is going to be easy a unique one, more to offer broad prospects and new avenues to help them improve and shine. To know the effect of this transit on the rest of the Moon signs, click here.
Conclusion | Direct Motion of Jupiter
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