Growing enterprises are looking for new ways to develop their strategies and shine among their competitors. But managing the sales data and having a constant check on them is an important step many are missing out on. With the changing market trends, customers needs and desires also keep switching. An enterprise that can understand these swings and match up to the customer’s requirements wins the show! But doing it is not easy as it sounds to be as it involves too much paperwork and time. However, getting the DocuSign salesforce integration can be a wise choice to make in such cases.
No doubt that a company will have all its customer details like the interactions of existing and potential customers. All company-customer relationship details are generally on the CRM, which is nothing but Customer relationship management, simple technology.
But integrating the CRM with other systems can help save so much time and yields productivity at the same time. But what about documents or a draft of the customer invoice in hand? They have to reach the CRM, so it is accessible for future reference. But doing this may pull out so much time and money spent on paperwork and ink.
What is DocuSign?
DocuSign is merely an eSignature software, which goes without saying that making an agreement or invoice can happen digitally. It is a highly secured option and, one need not worry about their signatures getting leaked. While in the earlier times, drafting an agreement involves typing them and making signatures using ink, DocuSign has made the entire process happen in fingertips. Thus, documentation can now happen anywhere, anytime.
What is unique about DocuSign salesforce integration?
Now that an agreement or invoice gets done digitally, it is essential to bring them to the company’s database. A signed document staying just on DocuSign is of no use. And that is where the integration comes into play.
Most agreements and payment invoices must reach the company’s CRM salesforce. Only then they can be accounted for in the database. It thereby is in need for future use if the market trends change. But how can an agreement from DocuSign reach the salesforce? That happens magically using the DocuSign integration. Not only they can integrate with CRM, but also with any software one wants to.
Reasons to pick DocuSign Integration?
Here is a list of benefits of choosing DocuSign over other solutions,
1.Highly secure
Documentation is a sensitive process and, doing it on a digital medium may be risky. But it is not so with DocuSign! It is so because its security certifications ensure the safety of every document made on it.
2.Build a document from scratch
Using DocuSign, it is easy to make a document look more presentable and polished. With this great tool, building agreements from scratch can happen in minutes.
3.Easy to use
Drafting a document on a strange platform and wondering where to find it can be an arduous task. But DocuSign is user-friendly and, one can quickly compose and sign an agreement in no time. Also, it is much easier to send and track the documents with DocuSign integration.
4.Integration happens in a click
One can integrate a signed document into the salesforce by simply clicking on the option mentioned on DocuSign. The merging happens in seconds with the help of tools like Zapier.
The DocuSign salesforce integration helps integrate the documents into any software of a company’s system. It also makes movements between DocuSign and salesforce happen in seconds! This eSigning solution makes it secure and transferrable could save time and money to invest in potency.