Human life can sometimes be complicated by environmental factors, such as pests(Dangers Pests for Human Health). However, the truth is that this problem has occurred since time immemorial, and it still cannot be avoided 100%. Above all, there are certain pests, specifically, those that have continued to spread more and more over urban and rural spaces that we inhabit.
Lists of Dangers Pests for Human Health
Such as bacteria or microbes, which cause diseases and allergies that can affect our health or that of those around us (flora and fauna included). Inexorably, pests also generate other types of problems, more closely related to the material.
Pests-Related Health Problems:
Numerous pests in the world are problematic for human health and environmental hygiene. Not all of them are directly causing or carrying diseases, but there is always a particular relationship, sooner or later. At Anticimex, we have found it curious to list some of the main conditions that can cause the most common pests in Spain:
Cockroach pests:
Roaches are associated with at least 30 bacteria that are harmful to humans. These bacteria can cause symptoms and diseases in our organisms, such as diarrhea, dysentery, urinary and genital infections, gastroenteritis, typhoid fevers, skin fungi, salmon, etc.
Also, they are usually carriers of viruses such as infectious hepatitis. It is only enough that we have indirect contact with them (through their feces or urine) for us to suppose one of their victims.
Rat pests:
It is not necessary to investigate the history of environmental health very thoroughly to verify that rats have been, repeatedly, the protagonists of terrible pandemic episodes (the black plague of the Middle Ages, for example).
They are carriers of more than seventy diseases, some of them fatal to humans; besides, they have an essential role as vectors of infections for other animals. The easiest way of contagion is through the consumption of food contaminated by your feces, saliva, or urine; also, by bite.
Wasp pests:
Wasps are powerful insects capable of killing a person. However, this situation is very extreme, and it is more frequent than what we experience is only a sting.
But, the truth is that not everything depends only on the quantity: its bite produces an allergic reaction for which we can be immunized or not, hence the main problem, since there are people who are allergic and a bit would be enough to lead them to a severe state of health or even death.