For decades, the music industry was controlled by record producers and managers. Many were purely business people who had no real talent when it came to music. They were all about dollars and cents and made decisions based on the bottom line. Many talented musical artists felt stifled at times.
They didn’t have the control they wanted or needed to truly express themselves through their work. The powers that be usually took the larger share of the profits as well, going so far as to own the rights to an artist’s entire catalog. Thanks to technology and social media, that is changing. Independent musicians can take control of their own careers. By choosing solid strategies, musicians can be successful on their own terms.
The Business Is as Important as the Show
Both words in the term show that business is equally important. Your career is your business and you must treat it as such. As an independent musician, Dan Avidan learned, that talent is only half the equation. It’s important to set aside sufficient time for booking gigs, creating and putting together marketing strategies, and building press kits. Without this aspect of the business, you could be the greatest band in the world but play in a vacuum.
Hire an Attorney
As an independent artist, there are many things you can do for yourself. Your legal protection however should be in the hands of a qualified entertainment attorney. Hire one who has experience in the music industry. Skimping here can cause you tons of grief down the road. You want someone who can help you trademark your band’s name, register your songs with the U.S. Copyright Office, and negotiate contracts.
Hire an Accountant
Another area in which you want an expert is handling your money. The music business has its ups and downs. A great year can be followed by a lean one. Managing your money carefully will get you through the rough patches. A good accountant that you can trust can help you with investments and savings and give you solid advice so that you never go broke. You don’t want to go back to your day job.
Network Constantly
You just never know who will be in a position to help you down the road. Meet them and stay in touch. It’s also nice to have a group of people to offer support when you need it. Show business can be brutal It’s better if you don’t have to go it alone.
A career in the arts can be satisfying and fun. For a musician, having control over your musician and your money is ideal. Be an artist and a business person and never stop having fun.